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Easier GitHub interactions with Hub

Filed under: Tooling— Tagged with: git

Have you ever wished it would be possible to initiate a remote repository right from the prompt? With Hub it’s possible.

Hub is really nice. Basically it make life easier by letting you interact with GitHub more from the command line.

Here's some examples what it can do for you:

  • Create a GitHub repo.
  • Pop ope different GitHub pages.
  • Easier repo inits.

Install it

On a mac the best and easiest install method is via HomeBrew:

$ brew install --HEAD hub

Here’s a tutorial on how to install it to a Linux.

Then alias hub with git. Pop open ~/.aliases and add the following to the bottom of the file:

alias git=hub

Test if it works:

$ git --version
# If it returns the following, it works
git version 2.0.0
hub version 2.2.0

Configure Hub

Hub will prompt for GitHub username & password the first time it needs to access the API and exchange it for an OAuth token, which it saves in ~/.config/hub.

Test it quickly by making a test repo:

$ mkdir git-test && cd git-test
$ touch
$ git init

Now here’s the sauce:

$ git create

That command will prompt you for a password and a username. For whatever reason, it returned the following error for me:

Post ssh:// unsupported protocol scheme "ssh"

I changes protocol: to https in ~/.config/hub and it worked. The config file should look something like this:
- user: bob
    oauth_token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    protocol: https

Note worthy thing: you should authenticate to GitHub with SSH keys, more info in this GitHub tutorial.

Note worthy thing: There’s a little gotcha in setting the protocol to https, now GitHub prompts you a password every time you push or pull, it’s the intended behavior. Either, live with it, or cache your credentials, see GitHub tutorial how to do that.

Usage examples

If you’re unsure what the command does, you can safely test them with the --noop flag:

$ hub --noop create
git remote add -f origin
echo created repository: hilja/git-test

It shows what it does, but actually does nothing.

Initiating git in a new directory

Here’s an example how the init is different when using hub.

Normal init without hub:

$ init
$ git remote -v
# The git remote command returns nothing cause there is no remote

Then with Hub:

$ git init -g
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/bob/code/git-test/.git/
$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

Hub sets you those remotes automatically.

Creating repositories with Hub

The create syntax:

git create [NAME] [-p] [-d DESCRIPTION] [-h HOMEPAGE]
$ git create -d "This just a test repo, ignore"
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
created repository: hilja/git-test

That makes the remote repo.

Browse with Hub

The browse command will open the project’s GitHub page into your default browser:

$ git browse

Or open GitHub issues page:

$ git browse -- issues

Or the pull requests page:

$ git browse -- pull

Clone a repo with Hub

If it’s your own repo, only a repo name is needed:

$ git clone test-repo

Not your own:

$ git clone someone-else/test-repo

See the Hub website for more examples, or the man page for details.

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