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Hyphenating with CSS

Filed under: Styling— Tagged with: CSS

This post looks into hyphenation with pure CSS.

Hyphenation is more of a thing in print than web, but sometimes it comes handy if dealing with long words in tight spaces like sidebars etc. Also some language, like German, have long compound words that can easily break a layout, too bad most browsers support hyphenation only in English.

Define site’s language

First things first, you need to set lang="en" attribute to the parent element, usually in the html tag, or the hyphenation simply wont work:

<html lang="en"></html>

In some React systems you can do that by using a react-helmet:

<Helmet htmlAttributes={{ lang: 'en' }} />


The CSS rule to make hyphenation happen is hyphens, the value can be set to auto, manual, or none (see manual usage below).

Here’s an example how that might look like:

.hyphenated-text {
  hyphens: auto;
Extraordinarily long words like internationalization or accessibility

📷 See screen capture rendered with Chromium

That hyphenation might look different depending your browser, because there is no hyphenation standard.

For some reason in Chromium based browsers "Extraordinarily" is not hyphenated because... I have no idea.

You often see hyphens coupled with word-break and word-wrap, here’s how that looks like:

.hyphenated-text {
  hyphens: auto;
  word-break: break-word;
  word-wrap: break-word;
Extraordinarily long words like internationalization or accessibility

📷 See screen capture rendered with Chromium

You can see "Extraordinarily" is chopped up to prevent overflow, and now it also has a hyphen. I guess that’s how the hyphenation algorithm works.

Manual hyphenation

You can give the hyphenation algo some hints where to add the hyphen by using the &shy; (soft hyphen) character. If you set hyphens: manual it will only add hyphens where &shy; is is used.

Below is a demo of hyphens: auto with a string containing a soft hyphen Extra&shy;ordinarily:

Extra­ordinarily long words like internationalization or accessibility

📷 See screen capture rendered with Chromium

Browser support

See browser support at, or this big compat table at MDN. You’ll see that only Firefox has wide support for hyphenation in other languages than English.

Vendor prefixes

Hyphenation is often set with vendor prefixes, but in the modern era they’re not really needed, unless you want to support IE11. But here they are:

.hyphenated-text {
  hyphens: auto;
  -moz-hyphens: auto;
  -webkit-hyphens: auto;
  word-break: break-word;
  -ms-word-break: break-all;
  word-wrap: break-word;

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