A good[ish] website

Web development blog, loads of UI and JavaScript topics

Understanding Nginx location directive and redirects

The Nginx location directive sets configuration depending on a request URI, on which, for example, redirects can be performed. The basics…

Remove a class name from multiple elements with pure JavaScript

This post examines all the ways multiple DOM elements can be manipulated. That can be done with a while loop or with recursion when using…

The good kind of specificity in CSS

Here I’m trying to figure out what forms the specificity in CSS? What is the good kind of specificity, and what is bad specificity. And how…

The new ES6 for...of loop

The JavaScript's For...of loop structure is syntactic caster sugar dusted over the good old for statement. It's an extremely capable loop…

Self referencing object literal in JavaScript

In other words: how to access objects values within the object itself. Would be cool if this worked: But it won’t, a getter is needed…

Working with JavaScript arrays

Here’s a reference type of post on modify arrays with native JavaScript methods. Adding to end of arrays with .push() Put anything into an…

JavaScrip forEach loop

The forEach loop for beginners, and how to use it with a nodeLists, and HTMLCollections. Array.prototype.forEach() So the forEach loop…

Common JavaScript array methods and Object.keys()

A lightweight introduction into some of array methods in JavaScript, and how work with objects in an iterative manner. Object.keys() Object…

Git: rebasing workflow and resolving merge conflicts

Simple rebase/merge workflow and how to deal with possible merge conflicts. So you're building a feature on a feature branch called some…

Git: move commits between branches with cherry-pick

Cherry-picking commits in Git is easy and straightforward, here’s how to do that. Basic usage of cherry-pick Take two branches: new-feature…

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