A good[ish] website

Web development blog, loads of UI and JavaScript topics

How to MDX with Gatsby

An introduction to MDX, and how to configure and set it up on an existing Gatsby site. MDX explained briefly MDX is like Markdown, but it…

How to make a sortable data table using React

Make your data tables pop more, by making the data in them more friendly by means of sortable columns, all the while keeping things…

The unexpected mutability when editing nested arrays

I faced a completely thick problem when I was trying to filter a nested array object. I kept mutating the original variable, even though…

Filterable list with React

This post looks into how to make a list which has a search field, so that the user filter the list. Demo This is what we’re building: The…

Spin down idle disks on a Raspberry PI

Here’s how to make hard disks stop after a period of idle time. Lately I’ve been dabbling around with Raspberry PIs, and I had a problem…

Force re-render function React component (or class component)

Here’s how to force a re-render on a function-style React component. Spoiler alert: it’s really simple. Why would you want to force a re…

Speed up page rendering by setting content-visibility to auto

There’s a new CSS property in town called content-visibility . It will defer the rendering of elements until they’re about to hit the…

Ping your sitemaps to Google and Bing to inform search engines about new content

You can tell Google or Bing about the changes that have happened in your site, by pinging them your changed sitemaps. "Pinging" in this case…

How to resize HTML elements: with few lines of CSS, using a React hook, or with pure JavaScript

How to resize DOM elements supers easily with pure CSS, or in a more fancy way using React lib. You know how textareas can be resized easily…

Render draft posts locally in Gatsby

This post looks how to render posts from your drafts directory in an MDX Gatsby setup. Locally only, so you don’t leak unfinished posts. I…

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