A good[ish] website
Web development blog, loads of UI and JavaScript topics
Any element’s content can be made editable same way form fields are, even divs, by using the contenteditable attribute. You can just edit…
How to make simple data plotting with pure CSS. The point I had here was not to mathematically verify anything, but just to map out the…
Fill long arrays with content. There are times when you need arrays filled with nothing particular. Push into the array Maybe the most…
Get a random item from a JavaScript array. Get a random int First we need to get a random number that is an int , and isn’t too large. This…
What’s an iterable object anyway? What does it meant to "implement the iterator protocol", and how to build a custom iterator. Iterators in…
Juicy and versatile React component that handles icons and icon links, satisfying all the accessibility requirements on the way. 100 percent…
How did we reach the icon singularity? What are the best ways to handle SVG icons in a modern React project, and how to effortlessly minify…
Sometimes you want to use a button, but not to have it look like a button. This post looks into that: how to unstyle the default HTML button…
This article looks into content that is visually hidden, but visible to people using assistive technologies, like screen readers. Screen…
Alacritty is a suckless terminal emulator written in Rust, it’s extremely fast and very simple. Here’s how to install and configure it. What…