A good[ish] website

Web development blog, loads of UI and JavaScript topics

How to create ssh keys and manage multiple keys

How to create ssh keys, how to get them safely to your server, and how to manage multiple keys and make ssh-ing into a machine really easy…

Vim commands

Here’s a comprehensive Vim command cheat cheat. Cursor movement Insert mode - inserting/appending text Editing Marking text (visual mode…

Increase file upload size on PHP/NGINX server

Here's a quick article on how to configure NGINX and PHP to allow really large uploads. You might get a HTTP error in WordPress when trying…

Git: all about adding files to the staging area

Tricks and tips on adding files to staging area in Git. Using globs and limiting the scope of add, etc. Adding files in git. The following…

Lazyload inserted images in WordPress posts (without regex)

Look into a simple DOM parsing task with PHP, something that is more common to JavaScript. Here’s the basic mechanics behind a JavaScript…

Git: amending commits

How to amend commits. Tip: don’t amend remote commits. Amending commits If you forgot a small change from a commit, you probably don’t want…

Git: submodules

What’s a Git submodule? How to add, use and remove them? Plus some third party scripts to help deal with them in general. 2015-01-17 Added…

Install Node and npm to an Ubuntu box

This post looks how it’s best to install Node with nvm . Ideally, Node could be installed with $ apt-get install nodejs , but the node in…

How to build a custom lightweight jQuery

Size of jQuery can be reduced a bit by using the slim build. Slim build for jQuery 3.x version I think it was on the version 3.1.1 when…

Bower and Grunt: match made in heaven

Bower is great! But it only does one thing, that is to manage packages. We’ll need a bit help from Grunt to reach perfection. Here’s how to…

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