A good[ish] website

Web development blog, loads of UI and JavaScript topics

Enable plugin and theme updates over SFTP on WordPress

Here’s a quick post on making WordPress SFTP friendly. If using FTP, plugin and theme updates work and all is nice and dandy, but please god…

Replace strings in files with bash string manipulation and sed

With bash string manipulation it’s easy to replace strings in your scripts. And sed comes handy when replacing strings in multiple files…

Upgrade to bash 4 in Mac OS X

Bash 4 has some nice new features, and here’s how to update to Bash 4 on Mac. Install bash Bash version can be queried with the --version…

Remove and add class names from elements using pure JavaScript

CSS class names can be removed or added using the classList method, or they can modified straight with the className property. Using the…

Associative arrays in bash

Here’s my little guide on how to define and access associative arrays in bash. Bash 4 supports associative arrays, yay! Just to recap…

Install and run Vagrant

This post looks at how to install vagrant, and how to initialize a project and install a box. It also lists all needed commands and tricks…

Getting DOM elements with JavaScript

️️ 2015.03.19 I just noticed that any attribute can be queried with querySelectorAll , added that to the article. 2015.04.19 Added a…

Different methods to make DOM elements in jQuery

4 different ways to create HTML element in jQuery. Method # 1, the obvious method Where as the following might be enough a lot of the times…

Detect click with pure JavaScript

Here’s how to handle click events in vanilla JavaScript. This will be one of those note-to-self-posts, as I learn vanilla JavaScript…

Better stat command in OS X

Here’s how to make the stat command more readable. When getting info from a file, like it's access rights and owner, the stat is the goto…

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